Automating Safe Link/Safe Attachment reporting

April 22, 2022 | Published by

In previous blog post, I have talked about best practices around Safe Links and Safe Attachments policies with Microsoft. Both of these policies are configurable if you have Defender for Office 365. Ultimately they provide pre-and post- email protection against malicious links or attachments that may get sent to a user. This type of protection […]

Setting Up App Registrations

January 23, 2022 | Published by

Creating an app registration in Azure AD is extremely powerful. As an MSP it allows you to create a headless connection to all of the customers in your Partner Center. When I say headless, I mean that you can connect to PowerShell across all of your customers, without having to sign in to authenticate. Instead, we are using a token-based architecture to create a secure […]

Automating PowerShell workloads with Azure Functions

January 14, 2022 | Published by

As we continue to push environments to the cloud, running powershell as a scheduled task on a server is quickly going to become outdated and inefficient. Azure Functions in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud are the next iteration of running scheduled or triggered powershell jobs in your customer environments. Azure Functions allow you to connect to all […]

Running Powershell Reports for All Customers

December 21, 2021 | Published by

In a previous article, I showed you how to create an app registration in Azure AD. App registrations have a wide variety of use cases but one of the most powerful for MSPs is being able to run powershell across all customers under management. In this article, I am going to show you how to […]

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