what is honeypotting

Honeypotting is the practise of using dummy images as a security measure in businesses.  This objective is achieved through the use of “honеypots,” which are designed and implemented to attract potential attackers. In the event of target compromised, these services might then become their potential first target.

This fulfills two objectives: The first is to end the threat since it is centered on a synthetic decoy rather than engaging a real environment.  Secondly, by properly testing the honeypot, further information about the attacker and their tactics and/or intentions can be discovered through the examination of the data these attackers leave on the decoys.

Although it should be noted that organizations with a higher degree of maturity in cyber security are the ones that are adapting to and fully utilizing honeypots, their use is currently widespread in businesses.

Our first thought when considering cybersecurity measures is preventing hackers, but how can you actually accomplish that? Here’s where honeypots come into play.

The goal of honeypotting is to use the evasive technique to lure attackers and hackers into a prepared trap so that vital information about their activities can be obtained.  As part of your cybersecurity setup, honeypots may be something you want to think about as they can help mitigate against worst-case scenarios. 

What is honeypotting? And How it is done

Through honeypotting, one can learn how an attacker operates and how attacks themselves work by placing honeypots in environments that are attractive to attackers.  In essence, it is a surveillance instrument that, when appropriately employed, furnishes data that an individual may utilize to enhance the security of production resources.  There are numerous ways to implement honeypots, but in order for them to be effective, they must be appealing to attackers.  Setting up realistic environments is crucial to preventing the attacker from realizing they are hitting a honeypot and instead believing they are attacking legitimate resources.

The capacity to identify and track an assault is a crucial component of honeypot success since it enables one to understand how attacks operate and, consequently, develop defense strategies.  The flexibility of virtualization creates a favorable environment for implementing honeypots. Because only a small portion of the hardware needed for a corresponding physical implementation is needed to set up resilient and complex environments.

A honeypot is a realistic-looking spoof system designed to draw in hackers and fool them into launching an attack.  Honeypots are tools for advanced warning, risk reduction, and surveillance.

Companies use honeypots to get data and insights about their cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the threats they pose (but more on this later).

What does a Honeypot do?
A honeypot is essentially a fake system that persuades a hacker to attack it after first convincing them that it is legitimate.  By doing this, it makes it possible for IT professionals or MSPS to comprehend attackers’ intentions, actions, and strategies more fully.  This aids in strengthening cybersecurity processes and strategies to better prepare for hacker attacks.

Benefits of Honeypotting

To unintentionally invite a cyberattacker into your system may seem counterintuitive.  However, even though there are hazards involved, employing honeypots may be worthwhile because of the following benefits:

  1. Identifying around the corner threats
  2. Misleading attackers from actual target
  3. Acquiring information
  4. Simple and Low Maintenance

Risks of Honeypotting

Like anything else, there are certain risks connected to honeypotting.  On balance, however, the majority of MSPs would contend that the advantages exceeded the potential hazards.

  1. Not 100% Efficient
  2. Tables can be turned against you

How a Honeypot is Designed

An effective honeypot ought to resemble a realistic and legitimate target.  For this reason, honeypots resemble actual computer systems, fully loaded with various applications, files, data, and procedures.  The key distinction, though, is that honeypots are intentionally designed with security flaws.  This increases their attractiveness since they are easier to compromise, which makes them more appealing to potential attackers.

Placing your honeypots behind the firewall that protects your real network is also a recommended practice.  This implies that in the event that an intruder manages to get access, you will be able to observe how and take the required actions to stop it from happening again. 

Main types of Honeypotting

There are several methods to distinguish between honeypots: by objective, by characteristic, or by the kind of activity they are targeting.

Attribute Categorization: High-Interaction and Low Interaction Honeypots

High-interaction Honеypotting

Low-interaction Honеypotting

Production Honeypotting and Research Honeypotting

Production Honeypots

Production honeypots are relatively simple, rudimentary, low-interaction honeypots.  Their objectives are to gather restricted and fundamental data and attempt to reduce the dangers associated with cyber security.

Research Honeypots

Research honeypots are designed to gather information on attacks with greater scrutiny and are intended to be more interactive.  Research honeypots can provide you with much more information on the specific techniques and strategies that the attacker is using than just basic timeframes. 

Types of Honeypottings

This categorization technique informs you of the specific activity that the honeypotting is intended for.

Email or Spam Traps honеypotting

Malware Honеypotting

Spider Honеypotting

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